Wednesday, 29 August 2012


I was thinking today about how, when comparing our lives to others, things can SEEM so UNFAIR. The GOOD that other Christians have, you don't have. What they have brings life and health, it brings joy and love and a closeness with God, and yet that SAME GOOD seems to be witheld from you. Then a scripture came to mind: Gen 3v5: 'For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes 
will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Now I have to say, this didn't at all seem relevant, until that still small voice shed some LIGHT onto the situation. Often we think of what the enemy offered Eve, in and of itself, as being evil, when a simple re-read proves quite the opposite. After all, God knew good and evil and it obviously hadn't corrupted Him, but God knew that FOR SOME REASON, for men, it would be something that would be harmful, leave them exposed, and cause them to sin. And so it is with us, when we compare ourselves with others. What for them is GOOD AND HEALTHY, what for them is LIFE AND PROVISION, God knows that for us it would be DEATH and PAIN.

Ironically, when they had eaten, the 'knowing GOOD part' of the 'knowing good and evil' wasn't good for Adam and Eve. Why is this? Well, that simply remains a mystery. And that is the point of this whole post- sometimes 'knowing good' ISN'T GOOD for us (and only God knows why). Sometimes knowing the good that others know, will leave us exposed and in danger of sin and disobedience to God. When God first warned Adam and Eve about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He didn't tell them WHY THEY WOULD DIE, only that they would die. Likewise, God doesn't tell us why the good that others have, won't be good for us, and He doesn't give reasons and explanations as to why, He just says STAY AWAY and tells us NOT TO EAT, and we must be satisfied with that. In Adam and Eve's case, sadly, curiosity killed the cat, and we're still suffering because of it. We must 'fight the good' against a curiosity that leads to disobedience, otherwise we too will face the consequence of going against the will of God for our lives. We'll, along with Adam and Eve, find out that knowing the good that others know will also bring with it the knowing of the evil of what we've done, and we'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't God's will for our lives. We'll then know THE REASON that God kept us from the good that others have, but we'd have to suffer the consequence along with it, and it's just not worth it.

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