Monday, 13 August 2012


Sometimes we as Christians get ourselves so worked up trying to understand how grace and choice or choice and sovereignty work together, that we miss the point of why the Lord has kept such a thing a mystery. One of the whole points of the mystery is the fact that the only way for the Lord to test if our love is true, is to leave us with the knowledge that choice is in our control. At the same tim
e however, the Lord also leaves us with the definite knowledge that He is sovereign- giving us the peace to know that whatever happens, He is in control, and that all His ends and goals are good and right. BOTH these truths produce specific fruit in our lives, specifically, both motivation to relationship and righteousness (choice) and also peace, security and hope (sovereignty). To only believe one or the other, or believe one is more dominant than the other, is to rob ourselves of fruit the Lord intended to build us up in our faith, to keep us on the right path and to draw us closer to Himself.

If we, as finite beings, were to understand the connection between choice and sovereignty, both choice and sovereignty would lose their meanings and we would become mere robots, not human beings that Jesus has redeemed. Jesus is both the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our faith, and therefore we must let the master builder build according to His plan and His rules. Part of that plan and those rules include giving us revelation and exhortation regarding both choice and sovereignty (the Bible). The comfort and fruit of believing and acting on both are VITAL in our lives, and therefore the intent of both truths is that we hold them as EQUALLY relevant in our lives and in our doctrine of the King. Choice and sovereignty are a gloriously divine paradox that is answered uniquely and utterly in Jesus Christ. While we must be content to only 'know in part' for now (for that, as has been mentioned, is one of the whole points of both truths), then we shall know 'face to face', we shall know the whole truth and the 'why' behind it all. There is a reason why we are to 'know in part' now, and if we attempt to know more than was intended for us, we only harm ourselves and others in their faith and love of Jesus Christ.

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