Saturday, 23 April 2016


In light of the coming US elections..

..Years ago I began praying and asking the Lord to reveal something to me about the coming Antichrist. There is a big part of me that, for whatever reason, has always had a feeling that the Church of God will see him in this generation (50+ years), and if not, that we will at least see the LEAD UP to his arrival. What this will look like exactly is anyone's guess (although certain aspects of this are partly revealed in the Word), although it appears likely that he will be put into place through much shaking and upheaval on the world scene, because when there is much shaking, there is usually much that changes. But there will likely be other things that will pave the way for his arrival as well. Along with WORLDWIDE events that bring much shaking and upheaval, expect to also see a GLOBAL acceleration of the corruption of what is good and moral, in every sphere of life, for this will break down barriers that would've otherwise stopped the Antichrist from arriving, and it will also pave the way for people to accept the lie and deception he will bring.

Thirdly, it is likely that we will begin to see the world unite together in its agreement that there is no such thing as God, and to actually become hateful both to believers and also to what they stand for. They will begin to blame believers for the ills of the world, and also seek to eradicate belief because of their own love of evil. These kind of alliances (which will likely lead to one great alliance) will also be accelerated because of great turmoil that comes upon the Earth, as nations and peoples begin to look (once and for all) for an overwhelming and comprehensive solution for all the pain, chaos and divisions, and results/fruit of their own wickedness that will be occurring.

So back to point of why I'm writing this article:

I don't know whether we'll (my generation and the older one) see the Antichrist in this life, or whether, Biblically speaking, the people of God will even be here to see him (I hope not, though my personal view from what is revealed in the Bible is that we will see him ARRIVE on the world scene before we are taken up in the Rapture. Although I don't believe that His Church will be here when the WRATH of God is poured out, for we are not appointed to wrath.). However I do believe, at the very least, that it is VERY LIKELY that we'll see the lead-up to the Antichrist's arrival (why else would the writer of the book of 2 Thessalonians tell his readers to be aware of the fact that the arrival of the Antichrist would be a sign and precursor to the coming Day of Christ? 2 Thess 2v1-3). So, like I mentioned at the start of this article, years ago I began praying about this truth of scripture and I asked the Lord to reveal to me something to do with the Antichrist. Not long after, I had a dream in which I saw the number '666' and I heard the words, "Say goodbye to your favourite TV show; say goodbye to the GAME OF THRONES". I haven't followed the TV show, but apparently it's premise centres around men who continually vie (through any and all means necessary) for the power to control 7 Kingdoms of Westeros through competition to gain the all-powerful 'Iron Throne'. Obviously this is what has taken place on Earth in the kingdoms of men nearly since the beginning of time itself, and what America and other nations (including Australia) have made a massive GAME out of in recent times. In the last few years Australian politicians have mercilessly backstabbed each other and played the game and each other to their hearts content, and this has resulted in a handful of Prime Ministers in a few short years. America has done much more nobly than Australia in recent years, however this year has seen the gloves come off, and the game PLAYED to a degree that I've personally never witnessed the likes of before.

In light of all this, what can we expect this year? Most likely more of the same; more of the game! And yet an important question is this, "How long can this game go on for?" In light of the acceleration of worldwide corruption, how long until the enemy will be ABLE and ALLOWED (albeit for a short time) to PLAY his greatest hand? Don't allow yourself to be coddled into the notion that the enemy is idle (or that he doesn't have an END GAME), for he too is playing the Game of Thrones behind the scenes, whether we see his hand or not (and already having a great amount of influence on the world i.e the whole world lies under the sway of the evil one- 1 John 5v19), and the enemy won't suffer others to SHARE his power for much longer. Corruption will lead to the breaking down of barriers (and also the hedge of God's protection), and also acts of God's judgment which will lead to great upheaval, change and fear in the hearts of men (unbelievers). This will lead to men becoming desperate and open to accepting whatever they need to accept in order to continue to live a peaceful and enjoyable life. They will look for DELIVERANCE in a place (or should we say 'man') that they shouldn't look for it. Even now the American people are looking for deliverance in a man (Trump- an obviously Godless and immoral man) that they shouldn't be looking to, for reasons they shouldn't be. How long will it be before a 'man' arrives on the scene who promises SALVATION from much greater ills that are on their way? How long before the GAME ends, and ONE person wins out to take control of the IRON throne? (a throne to rule all kingdoms upon the Earth). The Lord has said, "SAY GOODBYE TO THE GAME OF THRONES". Will we see a PRECURSOR or SIGN of all these things in this year's American election? It's likely that we have already begun to see the CRACKING of this human game of thrones in recent years, so anything is possible this year. Personally, I expect to see turmoil and instability surround the upcoming election this year, and an obvious sign that the once mighty throne and its domination (of the American political system and it's powers) may be starting to become underdone, especially since the same-sex ruling in America last year. The corruption which has begun to contaminate the nation is a clear sign that this has already begun to take place, and that a further destabilisation of power will be on its way.    

As for the Antichrist, if he does make an appearance in our lifetimes, I personally don't expect to see him in the near future. I think that it is highly likely that there will still be many years ahead of great CRACKINGS of world powers and their SYSTEMS in the future, and great upheaval, change, events of judgment and further moral corruption. However, in my personal opinion, I believe it is HIGHLY LIKELY that even now we are seeing THE PATH FOR HIS ARRIVAL being cleared. This past year the world has witnessed the greatest moral corruption, and the greatest acceleration of that corruption that I've ever seen in all my years on this planet. We have also seen the beginning acts or precursors to acts of great judgement. The Lord has revealed that a GREAT storm is on it’s way, and that we may already be seeing the SIGNS of its arrival. So I may be wrong; 'many years' may in fact be only a 'few years' until the seas of world change and the game finally ends. The game that for the history of the world has nearly always been about MANY thrones, may soon, for a time, become only one throne. Make no mistake about it, the Devil sees this world as his own, and his game is to make that a CLEAR, ABSOLUTE and WORLDWIDE reality. Watch the signs, and WATCH and PRAY, for a great night is coming, and it may arrive sooner than you expect.  

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