Saturday, 30 January 2016


The following is a dream I received from the Lord years ago on Saturday the 15th of May, 2004:

My family and friends and I are situated in a large stone-paved area, having made our way down the steps of what appears to be a court house (court house stone pillars standing at either side of us). All of a sudden the noise from a massive bell rings out. The sound it makes is deafening and the ground and air shakes as a result (like would not be possible in real life). At the same time that the bell rings my family starts screaming and panicking but I tell them it’s ok because it will still be another 20 minutes until the asteroids hit. However, about 30 seconds after I say that, I look up to my right and in the night sky see what appears to be a cluster of many asteroids. Everyone becomes silent, in awe of the sparkling night show. The asteroids appear as very bright yellow blobs and are similarly encompassed by a yellow haze. Two or three (my best recollection at the time I had this dream was that there were most likely three asteriods) asteroids break away from the rest of the pack. They are the biggest and brightest of the lot, and I watch them shoot downwards towards the Earth.

After that I turn to my right and look towards the horizon to what I instinctively know to be China. Then I say, “Watch this,” and a nuclear missle soars in from the right, on a downward path, and hits the ground. When it hits, someone says, “That’s Hong Kong; it’s hit Hong Kong.” I knew that it was Hong Kong that had been hit as well. My family and friends and I sleep out in the open that night.

My interpretation:

Most of this dream speaks for itself, as the asteroids and nuclear missile are obviously literal and not symbolic. A nuclear missile will hit Hong Kong, and a cluster of many asteroids will appear in the sky and two or three large ones will definitely head towards Earth. Although I didn’t actually see them make contact with the ground, in my opinion I believe they will hit the Earth (this is just my opinion though) due to the fact that they appeared yellow in the sky, which probably means they were burning as a result of travelling downwards through our atmosphere. This may also mean that more than 2 or 3 will hit, and that in fact many will collide with the Earth. This opinion is also supported by the more recent dream the Lord gave me in which I saw a whole host of meteors in the night sky, which, similarly due to their yellowy-orange colour, also all appeared to be travelling through our atmosphere. So many asteroids will hit the Earth, but two or three will be very large.

I believe that the start of the dream was very significant in regards to revealing the timing as to when these things will happen. I stress about the fact that, again, what follows is MY OPINION, and I therefore obviously could be wrong. At the start of the dream my family and friends and I were coming from a court house. The court house looked very similar to what the Supreme Court in America looks like. On June 26 last year (2015) the Supreme Court in America made a ruling allowing same-sex marriage. It is very possible that at the time I was given this dream, which is nearly 11 years ago now, the Lord was revealing that as soon as that ruling would be made, judgment would be set and would begin VERY SHORTLY after it. In the dream itself, I believed that after the bell rang out, it would be another 20 minutes till the asteroids hit (I believe the 20 minutes represents the last 11 years since I had this dream), but I was wrong, as they began 30 seconds after I’d said that (I believe the 30 seconds represents the period of time since the actual Supreme Court ruling in the USA last year in 2015). So I believe the 30 seconds symbolically means that IT WILL BE A VERY SHORT TIME NOW BEFORE THE ASTEROIDS WILL HIT. THIS COULD MEAN A MATTER OF MONTHS OR A FEW SHORT YEARS BEFORE THEY HIT. I reiterate again that this is just my opinion, and it’s possible that the timeframe will be longer than I’ve specified. It is even possible that these events will be delayed or stopped due to prayer and spiritual change. There could also be an extended period of time between the event of the appearance and falling of the asteriods and the event of the nuclear missile strike on Hong Kong.

Let me also stress that these revelations are meant to prepare us and stengthen our hands and knees in Christ, in that they are meant to strengthen our faith in Christ. These revelations are designed to be a source of comfort and consolation for us when we actually go through these things that are coming, by reminding us of God’s complete and soveriegn control over everything that happens. These revelations are in no way meant to bring fear, for perfect love casts out all fear. Jesus loves us with a perfect love, which means that He is looking after us, and will look after us in the coming time.  These things will happen because God is a righteous God and so He must not only judge, but judge in order to stop wickedness from destoying everything good and Godly.

It is very important that in the lead up to these things and so even in this present time, we make sure that we are abiding in the grace of God according to truth, and that we are following the Lord so that we will not be in danger of being outside of God’s care and protection when these things take place. What I mean by this is that if anyone is living a life of willful sin, they need to repent and turn back to God. The Bible is very clear that we cannot expect to be protected from disaster if we are living a life of willful sin- the Lord may be gracious to us, but we cannot count on that if we are in that state. We also need to be praying that the Lord will protect ourselves and our family and friends from these things. The Lord is our Good Shepherd and our shield, and so if we are abiding in his goodness and grace and following after Him sincerely, we can expect that He will lead, guide and protect us in the way that He sees fit (which may or may not be a practical protection but it will definetly be a spiritual one). We also need to be reconciled to and at peace with the fact that, even if we are rightly abiding in the grace of God, that the Lord may want or allow us to be taken to Heaven via these things. We can be reconciled to all of this through the always sufficient grace of God, and through prayer and a firm commitment that we will continue to follow the Lord Jesus no matter what happens in the future.

*NB: The court house and bell that rang out could have indicated coming judgment as a result of something other than the same-sex marriage ruling. It is also possible that the Lord was simply revealing that His judgment is coming because of the overall wickedness of nations around the world.

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