Tuesday, 15 December 2015



Warning Dream: Destruction coming to a part of Sydney
*John 16v13: When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.
*Acts 2v17: “‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
Hi all. Last night the Lord gave me a dream about destruction coming to a part of Sydney. This isn't an easy thing to share, and while the Lord's given me a desire to know about the future, it is often a bitter/sweet thing. That is why I woke up with a heavy heart this morning, because of what He showed me. I've learned very clearly how to tell the difference between just a normal dream, and what is from the Lord. So I know this is from Him, and I know that He wants me to share this warning ie.- 1 Cor 12v7: 'Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good'. The Lord loves His people so much that He doesn't want them to be asleep when He sends judgment, and He loves the world so much that He doesn't want them to perish. Don't be afraid! Don't be anxious! Pray about everything, have a Holy fear of the Lord, walk with Him, and He will guide you and keep you!
I was in Sydney with my Mum, just in front of the Sydney Harbour bridge (and what looked similar to the place of the Rocks in front of the bridge). I looked up into the sky and it was completely grew (storm clouds) and I just knew that, not only was this storm going to bring incredible destruction with it, but also that it would bring deadly tornadoes that would decimate the place I was standing in. I
I looked at the buildings in front of me, and while they looked attractive and in pristine condition, I knew that they would be UTTERLY DECIMATED by the storm and tornadoes that would be unleashed on the place. There was a man who was trying to 'button down' the outside appearance of his place (a frilly plastic covering at the top of his shop, like the ones you see sometimes outside of ice-cream parlours). I laughed because I knew that that should've been the least of his worries. I knew that what he was doing was completely in vain because there would be NOTHING left of his shop/building. I said to Mum that the last time I had been in Sydney I had felt very disturbed (in my Spirit). It was as if I now knew why (that the storm was approaching). I went on to the roof (which was coloured white and blue= purity and heavenly), I had an umbrella and Mum was still with me.
It was then that I looked up into the sky and saw a large blue rescue helicopter (that looked as though it was the type of chopper that could pick up a large amount of people from being in immediate danger), and watched as it turned and flew away.
Then I wondered why I was on the roof. I kept moving with Mum on the roof when I saw another sight. A man and a woman appeared (the woman was from the tv series- '7th Heaven') and looked at each other. Immediately they recognised one another, as they had had a history of going out with each other in the past. The man loved the woman and the woman the man, and each wanted to be with each other, however the man wasn't sure that the woman really wanted to be with him. The women had been 'on and off' again with the man ad nauseam (again and again and again and again). She had frequently gone back and forth with him. However, the woman reached out to him and he reached out to the woman and they both loved each other, and he still loved her. They spoke to each other and when they did their words were in perfect sync (it was like the conversation revealed that they were meant to be together and that they were meant to be 'one'); their words and conversation agreed with each other perfectly.
Then the dream ended.
The dream shows that destruction is coming, at the very least, to a part of Sydney, which is very likely to be the area around the Sydney Harbour Bridge. This destruction will come in the form of an INCREDIBLY destructive storm (I cannot over-express the severity of this storm) which will include immensely destructive tornadoes. This storm will DECIMATE the area around Sydney Harbour (at the least), and may also indicate that GREAT DESTRUCTION will hit a lot of Sydney.
The couple represented Jesus and His people; they are both made for each other, and He loves them, but He is not sure whether they want Him, because they have been so 'on and off again' with Him. They speak the same language and they do love each other, but the bride must reach out to Him and stay in a constant relationship with Him in order to secure their safety (previously she has been in and out of a relationship with the Lord so many times the Lord doesn't know if she really wants to be with Him). The helicopter represented that fact that the Lord is wanting to keep His people safe through this time, and 'airlift' them to safety so to speak. The white and blue roof represents the same thing, as does the umbrella. Their protection lies in living in purity (white), then His heavenly protection (the blue on the roof + the blue helicopter) will be upon their house and He will be their umbrella of safety.
There are many examples in the Bible of Christians that died when God's judgment came because they weren't living Godly lives, but rather in disobedience to Him.There are many scriptures that show this as well. If Christians walk with Him, the Lord will keep them safe when this destruction comes and He will save them out of it. If they don't, they won't be safe from the storm that is coming. Many won't accept this dream because they don't have the doctrine for it. The Lord showed me another dream where, though His people thought they were adults in their walk with Him, they are really children in their walk and in their understanding. To themselves and others they appear as adults, but they are really children, that is why many won't accept this dream warning, because they don't have the understanding of the Lord and His Word that they need to have in order to be able to accept it.
I would plead with people that if they live in Sydney to pray about this dream and to consider their walk with the Lord carefully, so that they will be kept safe. If you are reading this, you can be assured that, barring the Lord changing this act of providence out of His mercy, that this dream will come to pass. When it does you will realise that the Lord reveals the future to His people and that this word is true. The Lord watches over His word to perform it.
This has been incredibly hard to share. This is a very bitter (because lives will be lost)/sweet (because His justice is a good thing) thing. The Lord desires that none should perish, but the Word says that He will be no means acquit the guilty if they refuse to repent. There is a short time of grace for everyone, but no one knows when the Lord will say, 'Time's up.'
God bless to everyone out there. Please have 'ears to hear'. The Lord's warnings bring life to those that hear and accept them!

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