Wednesday, 13 February 2013


A title that's sure to want to make people to read, I know! haha. So if you're reading into this post this far, it may be a good indication of if you really love truth or not, no matter how intense truth gets! That being said, I feel like a word has been on my heart that is quite important in this hour we are in, and we are about to face. 

Years ago I had a conversation with a man that came to fix my family's internet. I'll never forget the subject of what was said there. The conversation centred around the issue of strength and temptation, and as we were talking about scripture to do with this subject, the man said something to the effect of, 'You never know where you're truly at until you're tested with something extremely difficult. And you'll never truly know what you'd do in any situation until you experience it.' It rang so true for me personally, because the Lord had showed me my own weakness (and continued to, and has continued to to this day), and had given me my very own 'thorn in the flesh' so to speak (I daily struggle with my breathing, even to this day), to reveal just how weak I was. Before that, I was absolutely convinced that I was a strong Christian and that nothing could move me, and while I verbally said that it was the 'grace of God' that gave it to me, I think in my heart of hearts God knew that I ascribed a lot of it to myself. Thanks be to the Lord that He has been so gracious and continues to be gracious to me, and will continue to be gracious to all of us. He never expects us to be sinless, but to walk according to the grace given us. But we must be aware that we are all extremely weak without great dependance upon Him, because the times are coming when we will know this in a most extreme and acute manner. 

I mention the above for the following very specific reason: God has shown me, through the Word, through dreams, visions and prophecy that EXTREMELY HARD TIMES ARE COMING. Let me repeat that by rephrasing for effect; times are coming that will make men's hearts shake for fear, and without God, men will despair in the most extreme degree. When times are easy, we all think we are very strong in the grace of God, after all, there seems very little that we have to strive for, very little we have to resist, very little we have to battle, very little we have to concern ourselves with, but when hard times come, all those things seem to be reversed, and those things we face are in times of peace and prosperity! Those things we face are in a land that at the moment welcomes us, and accepts us, a land where we are not outcast and persecuted, and a day where we experience outward prosperity in the extreme. But a time is coming when God has shown me that war is coming; America will be attacked, and Australia will go to help them in that war (the Lord has shown me this in dreams). This will not be a small war. Let me repeat, THIS WILL NOT BE A SMALL WAR. We are talking MAJOR WAR. A time of great sorrow is coming, and we must prepare ourselves; we must WATCH and PRAY lest we enter what we never thought that we would enter. Jesus knew the true strength of His disciples, and He knows our true strength is small too (in fact our strength is absolute '-100' without Him), so these must be the days where we are fully warned, and fully prepared. 

If you think I'm full of it, remember that the Lord has already fulfilled the dreams and vision I received about extreme fires and storms that were to come upon Australia- and they already have. I had no idea about such things, but God knew, and He loves His people enough to warn them, and to show them that these things of prophecy are true, and that we need to pay attention to them. 

War, fire and storms are not the only things that are coming. Worldwide terrorism is about to come, on a scale equal to that which happened on September 11, 2001 in America. This will not just happen in one or two countries, but many countries around the world. Sydney will experience destruction through storms and what could be tornados on a scale that will equal absolute obliteration in the city areas. Asteroids, or asteroid fragments will fall to earth in the future, and these things will be visible to the naked eye. In a dream I've seen much judgment and destruction coming to the Gold Coast and the Gold Coast region, and many types of destruction and judgment. The world is already experiencing great disturbances, destruction and judgment to a great degree, and these things will continue to intensify. Even the world knows things are getting worse and worse, and while they are trying at least to explain them, the Church in the main seems to be ignoring these things as best they can. It's human nature not to want to 'watch' what is going on, but Jesus said we must. Most people would've stopped reading this post a few lines in, for the very fact that no one really wants to give their attention to something which will make them sad and that will cause them grief. But, as we know, sadness is a reality of life and so is grief, and we must face these things we like it or not, and we each act like spiritual children to only want to know those things which make us feel good, when those things which will make us feel extremely sorrowful in the days to come will try to rob us of our faith and love of Jesus Christ. 

I don't write any of these things so that anyone should fear, God is our refuge and our strength- He is our deliverer, and He is faithful, merciful and gracious- He will keep His people in His grace, even as they keep themselves by the grace given them. Glorious times are also coming; times of a great outpouring of His Spirit. I received a vision recently in which the Lord showed me that He will once again fulfil the Acts 2 scripture where it says, 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.' (Acts 2v17). I have already been blessed to witness such things through others, and soon many will see the awesome power of our Lord and Saviour in incredibly awesome ways; for His grace will abound in the days to come, and His mercy and favour will be poured out in incredible degrees.

So we come back to the title of the post: 'Die another day.' There is a type of death we must all face now; a death to self and a taking up of our cross in a day of outward prosperity and peace. But there is a another day coming where we must die to a degree and an extreme that we have never faced before. We cannot presume that we will be strong in that day, conversely that we will be extremely weak in ourselves. We must be prepared to face the reality of our spiritual situation, just as Peter had to face up to His when the time of great testing, trial and death came to him. God's grace will be there for us in that day- through triumph and failure if we do fail, but if possible, as much as we can, let us all 'watch and pray,' lest we enter the temptation of failure and allow ourselves to flee from Christ. His grace is sufficient, but it is as sufficient and needful in the time of preparation as it will be in the time of great trial and sorrow; and both seasons have their needful place in our lives, and both seasons are given their purpose by the Lord. To listen to the Lord now concerning these things is to receive a type of grace now that is intended to fortify us and strengthen us for the times to come. And all the grace, preparation and strength is very needful for what is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Two days later initial fulfilment of prophecy of asteriods coming to earth, as news agencies report that meteorites fell over the sky in Russia, injuring 250 people. This is just the start of what is to come upon the earth in the days ahead. (see-
