Thursday, 20 December 2012



The Church must be a light on a hill, but it must not ascribe His glory to themselves. When Moses came down from the mount in the Old Testament, he shone with the glory of God, but rather than risk such glory being ascribed to himself, he hid it from the sight of the people with a veil. He did not do this so that the people wouldn't see God's glory, but so that they wouldn't think that the glory came from him. Similarly, when God healed miraculously through Paul in the New Testament, the Apostle went to great lengths to try and make the people see that such power didn't come from himself- tearing his robe to try and make the people see that he was just flesh and blood, just human like themselves. Both men didn't deny that God was working through them powerfully, but they went to great lengths to demonstrate to men that the source of such power was not from themselves, but from God.

Today, far too many men are all too willingly allowing the honour and glory that is God's alone, to be ascribed to themselves (whether by seeking it or allowing it). Honouring our leaders is one thing, but ascribing God's glory to them is quite another, and it is a very dangerous thing. Much (not all) of the Church now is all too willing to make the Church stage a light show and a great spectacle. We are all too willing to have the spotlight shine on men, and to have their faces beamed up on big screens (even while angels in the book of Isaiah hid their faces in the presence of the King! Isaiah 6v2). We are eager for front seats and positions of honour and privilege; for leadership and recognition, for place and to be known. My goodness! Would we do and desire these things if the KING OF GLORY walked among us? Would we be as willing to showcase ourselves in the name of worship if He who ALONE deserves worship came and visited us face to face? Far from it, but like we see with the Apostle John in the New Testament, if men are truly worshipping the King and are seeing Him, our natural reaction will be TO MAKE LESS OF OURSELVES, and to become less. We see this in that John, when He saw the Lord in the book of Revelation, he fell down as though dead: Rev 1v17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. We also see this attitude in John the Baptist, when he said, 'He must become greater; I must become less.' (John 3v3). Something is very wrong when places of worship become places where more and more of men are seen, but less and less of Jesus is presented and revealed. 

One day EVERY BEAUTIFUL BUILDING (Mark 13v1), and every work and material of men will be thrown down, and then what shall be left? One day all of man's pride and the position that he has given himself without being appointed by Jesus will be done away with. Beautiful buildings are not evil in an of themselves, neither are the materials and devices of men that are now used, however, the EFFECTS that they are bringing and the motives behind them and how they are being used are in most cases extremely wrong and not only very unbeneficial, but are causing destructive seeds of the flesh that are already bearing fruit that is causing all kinds of evil fruit and idolatrous worship. If any doubt this, all that is needed to reveal such things for what they are is time, but by then most of the damage will be done, and only the grace of God will salvage what He wants to save. Despite every dream about this that God has given me, it seems that virtually no one agrees with these revelations, and virtually no one even comments on them, which seems to indicate just how far these Churches of men have entered into peoples' hearts and have set themselves up as idols in His peoples' hearts and minds. Far from wanting to only present and worship Jesus, it seems that men desire and are all too willing to allow the attention and glory that should only be for Him, to be ascribed to them. Men are now seeking their own Kingdom and their own glory, and are willing to do anything to get it. And the most scary thing it seems is that much of the Church is not only willing to allow it, but also very desirous for it to continue. Scary stuff. 

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