Thursday, 23 April 2020

Fulfillments, Softball Days, and the Hardball Future

If you've doubted what the Holy Spirit has been revealing for years about a coming storm, now's the time to stop, and to gird up the loins of your mind for the years ahead. 
Prophetically, here's what the Spirit revealed over 15 years ago (and was posted in numerous places on my social media sites/blog and some on before the events took place), and has since been fulfilled:
1) That terrorism would take place in Western countries after 9/11 (unthinkable over 15 years ago)
2) That terrorists would again use planes for terrorist acts after 9/11 (fulfilled numerous times).
3) That France and England would experience particularly extreme acts of terrorism and other sorrow (also fulfilled with the effects of this Coronavirus).
4) That Australia would experience unprecedented devastating fires (fulfilled recently).
5) That the global airline industry would be grounded (fulfilled recently).
6) That sudden and unexpected deaths would take place and become the new norm, and that this would affect schools and even young people (fulfilled and ongoing with Coronavirus).
7) That the oil industry would be severely affected by the current global crisis (now being fulfilled).
8) That the waves of this world would start to rise up (starting now). And that soon a whole ocean of trouble will test our spiritual houses. 
Today the Lord spoke to me again about how these days are still 'SOFTBALL' compared to what's coming. Think about that for a minute. This isn't a call to fear, but to seek the Lord in these days and to put our trust in Him for what's ahead. Noah built an ark for a worldwide flood, these days our ark is Christ. These days our ark is abiding in His grace and seeking His face. These days our ark is aligning our lives with the Word. These days our ark is God's mercy , forgiveness, and unmerited favour. 
But be warned: FAR WORSE than Coronavirus is coming. This is what God has shown me in dreams: War is coming to the US and to Australia and to the world: the Red Horse of Revelation is coming. A nuclear detonation off of Australia's East Coast is coming (repentance may change). A tsunami off of Australia's East Coast will come without repentance. UFO's will make themselves CLEAR AS DAY (no, not 'aliens', a demonic and partly man-made source and deception). Asteroids will hit the earth. The stars of heaven will be shaken. The sun will go dark at noon day. Worldwide judgments are on their way.
It's time to get serious with the Lord. It's time to put our trust in Him! It's time to become familiar with passages of scripture that talk about tough things. It's time to be encouraged by God's Holy Spirit, and to take His warnings to heart like shields which expect to see battle. Great testing is coming, and great suffering. 
The encouragement is this: for believers God will be far greater than all these things. He will surround them with His Spirit, be with them in mighty power, and will be a sun and shield even in the midst of the furnace. God showed me in a dream that he's be with his people in a SPECTACULAR way. It won't be easy, and there will be suffering, even great suffering, but our God is far greater and Has overcome the world. In Him we will overcome! He will be our ark. 
Pray for this time, pray for the future, and pray that God will be gracious and merciful. Who knows, perhaps at least some things can be lessened or averted by sincere intercession. Who knows whether the Lord will turn? But the balance is this: the Bible shows us that there are some things that cannot be changed in the will of God, they 'must take place', as Revelation tells us (Rev. 4:1). This Coronavirus is just the start. Now is the time to seek the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Bless you brother Tim, for sharing and encouraging us with your posts. I have recently come across you on youtube and noticed your posts on 444news and z3 news, always a blessing to me. We have much in common as l play tennis, have been interested in crypto for a few years and of course love the Lord. I am due to visit the coast shortly and would love to meet you when l do. l live about 3hrs south west of the coast. Please let me know if the Lord leads you to maybe catch up playing tennis or something, hey? Bless you, Andrew.
