Sunday, 23 July 2017


*Context: This revelation didn’t come in a vacuum. I’ve been specifically praying (almost on a daily basis) for a revelation of the future for the past few months now.

*The same morning I had the dream it was reported that a Chinese spy ship was found to be monitoring major war games between Australia and the US just off Australia’s Queensland Coast (

I dreamt I was with an Asian/Chinese friend (I don’t have an Asian/Chinese friend in real life) in Broadbeach at night (it seemed like we were coming from Pacific Fair). I looked up into the empty, night sky like I was looking for something, but knew that unless something was pointed out to me, I’d likely miss it (because of the obvious great expanse of the sky), or at least miss the beginning of its appearance. Amazingly, a green arrow appeared at a certain spot in the sky, like it wanted to point something out. The next moment a multiple yellowy-golden streaked phenomenon/aircraft/s appeared where it pointed, and flew across the sky like a cluster of fireworks led by two or three round, flaming yellowy-golden objects (again, likely aircraft/s). As the aircraft/s flew across the Broadbeach sky (on the Gold Coast, Australia), they sped up at an incredible rate, and appeared as though they were going to crash into some buildings further up the Coast or create a mighty explosion by making contact with the earth (the power of the aircrafts were incredibly immense). Instead, there were a few moments of empty sky and stillness as the phenomenon passed out of sight. It seemed like that was it, till three or four single fireworks (actual fireworks) went off, like someone wanted people to believe the UFO objects were a normal man-made thing and nothing unexpected (and like it was New Years Eve on the Coast or something).

For a brief moment, I thought the UFO-like phenomena were fireworks too, then realised there’s no way they could’ve been. There had been too long a delay between the streaks and the fireworks going off, and the aircrafts had been far too powerful and quick to be normal firework explosions. My friend and I then headed toward Pacific Fair (a shopping centre on the Gold Coast). Someone then called me. Although I don’t remember the exact reason, or everything discussed, the person on the other end of the line spoke the words ‘Chinese transformational’. After this I woke up.

Possible conclusions:

1. The Asian/Chinese friend in my dream and hearing the words ‘Chinese transformational’ seems to be the Lord’s way of saying that the flying aircraft was Chinese in origin and thus a product of very advanced Chinese technology. The aircraft was able to appear as though it was fireworks, which means China may have developed technology which can enable their aircraft to appear as though it is something else entirely. The transformational ability could also mean a special ability to camouflage or deceive the eyes of the enemy by ‘disappearing’ when needed (i.e. be undetectable to radar).

2. The Lord may not be referring to a Chinese UFO at all, but rather the deceptive way China is now exerting and posturing itself militarily around the world. China has labelled its own actions in the South China Sea as an innocent exerting of its territorial rights. At one stage is even claimed that, although it was island building in the area, it would not militarise the islands—which it’s now done, and continues to do. While China’s actions may appear innocent and harmless enough (after all, unless you’re living near by, who cares about the South China Sea, right?), like fireworks that appear for a brief time, then explode in a harmless and inconsequential manner; the dream may reveal that what China is doing is intentional, powerful, and deadly. The fact that the aircraft was over Broadbeach (the Coast), may be the Lord’s way of saying that the real-life, same-day occurrence of the Chinese spy ship off the Coast is an important revealer of China’s war-like intentions for the future. China is likely making detailed notes of how Australia and America would go to war or defend against an attack, and planning accordingly.

3. Conclusion 1 and 2 could both be true.

4. My Asian/Chinese friend and I headed towards the shopping centre called ‘Pacific Fair’. I feel the word ‘Pacific’ may relate to the Pacific Ocean, especially as this is where the Chinese spy ship monitored the joint Australian and American war games. This could have been the Lord’s way of saying what He showed me is directly connected to the same-day real-life war games.

5. This dream may also be an indication that certain UFO phenomenon are man-made, and while they appear to be natural or alien-like (‘alien’ meaning of an  ‘unknown’ source), appearing as fireworks, drones, planes, asteroids etc. or weird phenomena, some are, in fact, just the products of human technology and/or a deceit that is foreign to us (technology we’re not aware of).

6. The appearance of ‘fireworks’ could be a warning to us not to take Chinese activities or even the reality of man-made UFOs as something that is just a bit of entertainment or something to capture our attention for a little while before we go back to sleep regarding these things. There is real deceit going on, and real/powerful Chinese activities. That we don’t necessarily see clearly about what these things are leading to, doesn’t mean there’s nothing to them. These things need to be taken seriously, and taken to prayer.

7. It’s extremely unlikely that the flying objects in the sky (the initial ones) were fireworks. Fireworks don’t just appear unheralded out of the sky and on a horizontal trajectory which speeds up at almost lightning speed and with incredible power. The difference between the first phenomena that appeared in the sky, and the three fireworks later on, was unmistakably different.

8. The flying phenomenon may not have been aircraft. It simply may be Chinese technology or military capability we know nothing about.

9. To me, the green arrow that appeared in the sky is good confirmation that this is a revelation from the Holy Spirit. The Lord wanted to point out something very particular, and wanted us to make sure we saw what He was revealing.

10. I feel there could be more to this dream than I’m aware of at the moment. I’m going to keep praying for understanding. If anyone out there finds anything interesting about the dream, anything I may have missed, or anything to add, please let me know. It's also possible that I've misread what the Lord revealed and it speaks of something more symbolic, and less literal. It may also reveal that China is not the great threat they appear to be (i.e a 'shooting star' that will eventually flame out). I think this interpretation is less likely, but still possible. 

Thursday, 6 July 2017


Australia's 2016 Census: In 1966, Christianity (88 per cent) was the main religion. By 1991, this figure had fallen to 74 per cent, and further to the 2016 figure of 52%. 30% also reported that they had no religion. A dream I had a while back showed a map of Australia from above. The nation was completely grey. Australia then suffered two waves which passed over the land, the second being far stronger and quicker than the first, but both waves covered most of the nation. The meaning of the grey colour now seems clear because at 52%, Australia is only 'half Christian' now, whereas we used to be a majority Christian nation. This also shows Christians and churches are no longer having the influence they once did, and that this nation is increasingly rejecting the Gospel. This is extremely significant for Christians and churches because it shows we need to radically change our mindset when it comes to 'doing' church and being a witness for Christ as individuals. Our 'wait and see' if people will come to church is by and large completely failing. As is our belief that people will simply come to Christ if we 'live right'. The operation of the church and Christians at large in the New Testament was to be actually out in the community spreading the Gospel in all kinds of places, especially through servanthood evangelism. In the past, the church in the West has thought from the inside out. Recent stats show we need to change that to think from the outside, in. Why not hold church outside in the community in parks and public places? Why not split up in groups after services to share our faith with tracts? Why not split up into groups after church and go to streets to offer help to our neighbours and in that way share the gospel relationally? Why not hold church outside then after the services put on lunch for needy and homeless individuals in the area? Surely the time for walls is over. 'Church' as we know it needs to become, by its very definition, visible to all, mobile, and adaptable. It needs to open its eyes to the community around it and connect with it in real and supportive ways which build relationships and shows the love and person of Christ in practical ways, then with words. This moment in time is one the church will either learn from and so take advantage of, or allow to pass us by unto a continued downward spiral of ineffective religion and lukewarm apathy. It is a crucial moment in time where we can choose to imitate the radical church and ministers of the New Testament, or continue on in inconsequential perplexity and resignation into a fate not yet determined. Many already know more is needed and they know that much of the church today is stuck where it's at (many feel over the old but helpless to move it on), all we need now is a few that will dare to be a visible church which is mobile and outward focussed, otherwise our influence will continue to be holed-up, stymied, and increasingly ineffective.